
  • Gender: Female
  • Born on: February 09

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Recent Activities

  • Parklayer
    Multilevel Car Parking System

    Parklayer manufactures Multilevel Car Parking System for malls, hotels, corporates, hospitals, etc. Our parking system helps to minimize the area covered and provides parking space on multiple levels. Our Multilevel Car Parking System has various options like Rotary Parking System, Tower Parking System, Stack Parking System, Bike Parking System, etc. It's well-adapted to individual project requirements and can be easily operated with several control options.

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  • Parklayer
    Tower Parking System

    The Tower Parking System is an independent parking system with vertical space utilization. The parking system can accommodate up to 50 cars and is safe to accommodate vehicles. The Tower Parking System increases the potential for space optimization. The tower parking can be operated with or without pallets. It also features a lift that is electromechanically operated.
  • Parklayer
    Automated Car Parking System

    Parklayer is the Best Automated Car Parking System Manufacturer. Our parking system minimizes the area and is capable of providing parking for cars on multiple levels while minimizing land usage. We have various options for Automated Car Parking System such as Rotary Parking System, Tower Parking System, Hydraulic Stack Parking System, Bike Rotary Parking System, etc. We deliver uncompromising quality and ensure a safer and more convenient parking space. They are an...  more